Multiple Facets
Works of Hong Hao, Huang Po-Ren, Lee Seung Koo, Andrew Lui, Carl Corey, Feng Xuemin, Wang Neng-Tao, Xu Yong, Yuan Shun, Sara Tse and O Yeun-Hwa February 5 - April 20, 2018 |
浩 Hong Hao (b. 1965, Beijing, China)
1989年畢業於中央美術學院版畫系,以其攝影和版畫創作廣受藝術界關注。目前正作和生活於中國北京。 Hong Hao graduated from the Printmaking Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing in 1989. The artist currently lives and works in Beijing. Much of Hongs work features assembled scanned images of various found objects including maps, books, tickets, receipts, banknotes, food, and containers. 黃 柏仁 Huang Po-Ren (b. 1970, Taichung, Taiwan) 1999年獲台灣中部美展雕塑類第一名及市長獎。家族從事木雕事業,因而影響其志趣。高中時期於復興商工專攻立體多媒 材。畢業後則選擇致力金屬雕塑創作,多年來參與國內外畫廊與藝術博覽會之展出。 Huang majored in sculpture at Fu-Hsin Trade & Art School. His grandfather and parents engaged in wood carving business. In 2001, Huang had joined Graz International Sculpture Exhibition in Austria. He has also participated in several prominent art fairs in both Taiwan and overseas. Lee Seung Koo (b.1979, Korea) Lee, majored in sculpture at Chung-ang University, Korea in 2002, and graduated from Die Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Kuenste, Stuttgart, Germany in 2008. 雷 兢 Andrew Lui (b.1951, Canton, China) 1972年移居加拿大,定居蒙特利爾及從事藝術工作。在1972-1975年間,先後於意大利、英國和加拿大攻讀藝術課 程。他沉迷於表現征人的惆悵與狂喜,寫的是人與馬,悲與歡,生與死,虛以實之,實以虛之。 Lui moved from China to Canada in 1972 and now lives in Montreal. He studied art in Italy, the UK and Canada from 1972 to 1975. Loose, bold colourful strokes energetically combine with line to suggest forms often horses and figures undulating between foreground and background to express the narrative. Carl Corey (b.1954, Chicago, USA) 在南伊利諾州大學的電影攝影學院取得美術系學士,畢業後一直從事藝術創作,曾在美歐舉辦個展,作品被麥迪遜當代美術館、 Nikon 攝影美術館、Philip Morris 等大機構收藏。 Corey received his Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts from the College of Cinema and Photography of the Southern Illinois University in 1976. He became a professional photo-artist after graduation and has a series of exhibitions both in the United States and Europe. His works are in the collections of Madison Museum of Contemporary Art, Normandale College, Nikon and Philip Morris. 馮 學敏 Feng Xuemin (b.1953, Shanghai, China) 著名旅日攝影家。1985年赴日深造攝影藝術,1999年榮獲日本第36屆太陽獎,2000年榮獲中國文化部世界 華人傑出藝術家稱號, 並多次獲邀在日本、中國、美加和法國舉辦個展。 A Chinese photographer, lives and works in Japan. Feng traveled to Japan in 1985 as a sponsored researcher for the Chinese News & Publication Association. In 1999, he became the first non-Japanese to receive a Taiyō Award. He won the gold prize at the World Chinese Art Exhibition in 2000. Feng has remained in Japan for the past three decades. He has held exhibitions throughout Japan, China, the United States, Canada and France. 徐 勇 Xu Yong (b. 1954, Shanghai China) 一位自學成才的藝術家,是798藝術區創立者之一,徐勇廿多年前憑北京老胡同系列攝影作品世界知名。而這系列作品是他挑 戰傳統憑影像看相片的模式,逼使觀眾了解如何看的攝影 藝術概念。 A self-taught artist, the key figure and promoter behind the Beijing 798 Art Zone. Xu made his name twenty years ago photographing the Hutongs of old Beijing. This series showed his challenges to confront the traditional concept of photography on "what to see" with "how to see". 袁 順 Yuan Shun (b.1961, Shanghai, China) 生活工作於柏林和北京兩地。1983年畢業於北京解放軍藝術學院美術系。曾在歐洲、中國及香港舉辦多次個展,2010年 獲邀參加韓國釜山雙年展; 作品被多間大機構收藏,其中包括白兔華人當代藝術基金會及德國銀行。 Works and lives in Berlin, Germany and Beijing, China. In 1983, Yuan graduated from People's Liberation Army Art University in Beijing, China. His works have been exhibited in Europe, China & Hong Kong. In 2010, he participated in Busan Biennale in Korea. His works are collected worldwide, including White Rabbit Contemporary Chinese Art Collection and Deutsche Bank Art Collection. 謝 淑婷 Sara Tse (b. 1974, Hong Kong) 畢業於香港中文大學文學士榮譽學位(藝術),2003年完成澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學藝術碩士學位,現為該大學藝術(陶 藝)博士生。曾於香港、上海、臺灣、美國、日本、澳洲、西班牙等地辦展覽,作品為香港藝術館、香港文化博物館、澳洲昆士 蘭藝術館、梁潔華藝術基金會及私人收藏。 Lives and works in Hong Kong, China, Sara majored in Fine Arts at The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1997. She received her Master of Fine Arts from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, Australia. in 2003, and is a Doctor of Fine Arts Candidate of the University. O Yeun-Hwa (b.1977, Korea) Graduated from B.F.A in Painting in 2000, and M.F.A in Printmaking in 2005, Shungshin Womens University, Korea. Multiple Facets exhibition will open at Art Beatus Gallery on Monday, February 5, 2018 and will continue until April 20, 2018. For further information or interview with the artist, you can contact us at or call Dominic Chan at 2522-1138 or Josephine Hau at 2526-0818. Art Beatus Gallery is located on the ground floor of 129-133 Wellington Street, Central, Hong Kong. Gallery Hours: Mon-Sat 11am to 7pm, Closed on Sundays & Public Holidays. |
![]() Hong Hao - Selected Scriptures, pg 95 The Latest Practical World Map ![]() Huang Po-Ren - Come Home ![]() Lee Seung Koo - Dog #2 ![]() Andrew Lui - Journey Blue I ![]() Carl Corey - Brownie 15 ![]() Feng Xuemin - Yunnan - Paddy Field 1 ![]() Wang Neng Tao - Landscape A ![]() Xu Yong - Beach 4 ![]() Yuan Shun - Mindscape no. 13b ![]() Sara Tse - Dog no. 1 ![]() O Yeun-Hwa - The Space #1 |