Chen Jie
Project Resurrection: Lost Paradise
Ceramic sculpture

100cm x 100cm

修复计划——失乐 园
陶 瓷雕塑
100cm x 100cm

When set against the twists and turns of the eventuality of Nature, all human joyous unions and sorrow separations, crises as well as personal disasters become nothing but mere garden games of children. Looking back, all those shocking imageries of natural disasters or man-made wrongdoings that have once touched us so deeply, are now, to a certain degree, reduced to gestures of sighs and regret. Individual pieces of past events have been put together into one jigsaw puzzle. When we seek to find a so-called conclusive ending to these past events, we will discover that what finally appears before our eyes is one playful game of chasing around between human manipulations and the eventuality of Nature.

对《修复计划——失 乐园》的解释 :

   人 间的悲欢离合,灾难与事变,从天道看来,亦只不过是一场庭院中的小儿游戏。今天,我们回头看,当时惊天动地且影响深 远的种种天灾人祸,都或多或少消淡为沉 吟与唏嘘。往事的碎片被逐一拼缀,当我们追求它背后所谓的圆满结果时,会发现,最终呈现在我们眼中的将不过是一场天 道与人事的追逐与嬉戏。

Please contact Art Beatus for more information:

Canada:  604/688.2633   Hong Kong:  852/2526.0818